Thursday, June 20, 2019

How to cut off your child's mobile addiction.

How to cut off your child's mobile addiction

We live in a super-technological era. And it's a blessing. It drives all of mankind forward into the future. But in some way, as every coin has two sides, it's also a curse. Technology is making our lives easier in many ways, but we have also become quite dependent on it. It is changing the way we live, influencing the way we behave and altering the way we think. You can only imagine the implications it will have on our children.

When I was a 4-year-old toddler, the most sophisticated piece of technology we had was a black-and-white TV set with manual knob to change the channels and adjust the brightness.

Nowadays, my own 2-year-old toddler is an expert in putting a YouTube video he likes on the phone or laptop, making it full-screen and turning up the volume. And this is nothing compared to his proficiency in the smartphone arena. He can play games, take photos, show them to us and then take more. He can find his favorite songs, play them and dance for the music. Well, he can also occasionally call someone from the
contacts list and then hang up.

Television, mobile games, and video games have taken the place of playing outside and in groups for many kids today. As a parent, should you intervene? The answer is yes because, while the programs on television, the games, etc., are all packed with action, and have inviting challenges, it is highly addictive and might leave an unfavorable impact on the child’s development.
Getting them off this addiction is tough and challenging as most kids do not realize how fun it is to go outside, explore and play. This not just deprives them of physical activity, but also drains them out of their creative ability and the ability to share and play in groups. Are you wondering how to get them to leave aside that mobile and explore the wonders of nature?

It's the other kids, whose parents weren't tough enough and bought them one, who show off with it and cause your kid to want it. At the end of the day, it's us, parents, who are looking for an easy way out. Call me old-fashioned, but kids should be out having fun at the playground and not slicing the fruit in "Fruit Ninja" all day. They should be playing basketball outside and not spending hours "running" at "Temple Run." I see less and less kids outside nowadays doing kid stuff and hanging aro spending und with friends; each one "buried" into his phone-- this is not what childhood should look like.

We may live in a super technological era, but it doesn't mean that kids should grow up completely digitized. Just like in any other area, we have to be in control and put some boundaries out there. Like, 

Set an example

Leave your mobile, tablet, and laptop aside for a few hours every day. Engage in alternative forms of entertainment or hobby classes. Use this time to spend time with your family and kids.

Change the routine

Get her involved in activities that require her to leave the mobile and other gadgets aside. Change her routine and make sure her free time isn’t being synonymous with screen time.
Do not keep it accessible
Keep mobiles and other gadgets in a way that she cannot access them at will, and you know when she’s using it.
Don’t make learning from activities a habit

It is obviously easy to let her learn watching videos on your tab, but do you realize that you are slowly contributing her gadget addiction? Most kids tend to find reading and writing difficult as they are exposed to learning through videos at an early age.
Encourage outdoor activities

Playing outdoors will help her learn to play with other kids. At the same time, it also helps her build her gross motor skills when she runs around the ground and indulges in some outdoor play.
Engage in pretend play

Kids tend to enjoy pretend play, and that is the best way to engage kids in fun learning. So, why not go on and start a fun game of your own with your little one? She’s going to learn something, be away from gadgets, and spend time with you, what more could you ever ask for?
Indulge in activity based learning

Kids tend to switch to gadgets as a resort for fun and entertainment. The toys you get her lose it’s charm in a few days, unlike the mobile game that has something challenging at every new level. So, why not get her something to play with that is challenging every time she engages in it? No, I’m not speaking of getting her lot of new toys, what you could do is to subscribe to activity boxes that will be delivered to her every month and she can engage for hours in activity-based learning.

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Hope this blog helps you..
Happy parenting 🙂👪👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👩‍👩‍👧

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