Friday, May 31, 2019

Our brain shape our personality

How does our brain shape our personality

The brain processes and stores everything that is important for our lives-from our most basic instints and reflexes to our personal memories and the skills and abilities we have inherited or learned it is this that makes us who we are. 

When can a person be called intelligent?

What makes human intelligence so special is our ebility to use insight and thoughts to tackle new tasks and to find our way around in new situations. Depending on the extent to which this ability is greater or lesser than average, we talk about different level of intelligence.

An intelligence quotient, or IQ

An IQ is of between 90 and 110 is regarded as normal. Of between 70 and 90 indicates learning difficulties, while a score below that level points to mental disabilities. However,  within the overall range of intellectual impairment, even and IQ of between 50 and 70 is still classified  as mild.  Only when a person's IQ is less than 50 does independent living become virtually impossible. At the other end of the scale, peolpe with an IQ of more than 110 are classified as very intelligent, while those who score 130 or above are regarded as gifted.

Does intelligence change as we grow older? 

The term intelligence does not always mean the same thing.  As early as the 1950s, scientists distinguished between fluid and crystallised intelligence.

Fluid intelligence is the ability to find ways of dealing with a new situation and to quickly grasp it's implications, even in the face of distraction or disturbance.

Crystallised intelligence is the end product of accumulated learning.

Both forms of intelligence change in different ways over the years.  As people get older, their ability to react quickly to new situations may decline, but their fund of knowledge has grown steadily larger over the years.

Is it possible to become more intelligent?  

From what we know today, it is not possible to increase intelligence, either with the use of brain machine or by taking any special dietary supplements. Nevertheless, it is possible to compensate for low intelligence by excersing the brain and acquiring knowledge and experience.

That is why it is important to stimulate less intelligent children-those with down syndrome, for example-as much as possible. Of course, people of average intelligence can perform better than those with above-average brainpower in particular areas where accumulated knowledge -in other words, their crystallised intelligence -is superior.


Is regarded as the greatest of all strategic games, and studies have shown that highly intelligent begginers don't fare so well when matched against less intelligent experts who have been playing for a long time.

Note:Playing chess from an early age may not actually increase IQ, but it will promote certain skills. 

Are there ways of recognising intelligence in individuals?

If a child starts to speak early, many people see it as a sign of unusually high intelligence. But are they right? Many gifted children do,  in fact begin too talk earlier than those with intelligence, but reverse is also sometimes the case. Some highly intelligent children start late, but then surprise their parents by producing whole sentences straight away-as if they had rehearsed what they wanted to say in their minds before saying it.
Even average children who start speaking late are not necessarily less intelligent than early starters. Some children-usually boys-simply take longer to develop language skills.  Only when a child as failed to speak more than a few words by the age of two should the advice of a specialist be sought.

Is lying a sign of intelligence?

When children learn to speak they still have some way to go before they are able to lie,  but this not because they aren't yet intelligent enough. Before children can tell lies,  they must be able to put themselves in another person's place. Until the age of about four,  a child cannot understand that other might not know about something that they themselves have experienced. Only at that age does a child begin to learn that every person has separate perceptions of his or her own.  It is at the point that a child can say, 'I've seen something that u don't know about'.  This is also the point at which children can deliberately say things that are untrue.

Being parents don't force children for anything to do in which they have no interest. But don't let them to do anything which is not right for them. 

Hope u got some information

Happy parenting 🙂👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👪👩‍👩‍👧

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